Walai Tobilung Cultural Park Centre, Kota Marudu, Sabah, Malaysia – Let’s take a break and immerse ourselves in the fascinating cultural experiences this park offers. In this article, we will explore the ticket prices for the various packages available here. We’ll also guide you on how to get to Walai Tobilung Cultural Park and the exciting activities you can enjoy during your visit.
You can choose a package that suits your preference, whether it’s for the morning, afternoon, or evening sessions. The park offers a range of activities, including tours of the cultural gallery, traditional games, and performances of bamboo music and dances. Don’t miss the chance to witness the Bobolian ritual performance or experience a traditional Tobilung wedding.
We’ll also share helpful tips to make your visit more enjoyable and meaningful. So, don’t miss out on visiting Walai Tobilung Cultural Park to dive deeper into the rich culture and traditions of the Tobilung community!